ONOMATOPE, 2019, Graphite on paper & digital collage, 24*32cm
"Onomatopē" is a book compiling drawings made from archives pictures of design, architecture and Japanese comics, chopped
and rebuilt into new nearly abstract graphic compositions.
Japanese onomatopœia are discarded to become space and support to perspectives and shadows of shifted familiar forms.
In this book, Comics' forms are blurred, narrative aspect erased and signs turned into frames.
All original drawings have been scanned and augmented on computer : screentones collage, digital painting and textures…
These digital layers are translated into the book by the use of different kinds of paper and transparent film that the reader is invited to play with.
Each book was individually assembled and handmade shaped : folding, cutting and japanese binding.
Selected for ADAGP / MAD - Multiple Art Days’ Revelation Artist’s Book Award 2019