Title : Contours
Date : June 2021
Size : 21 x 29,7 cm
Page : 40 : half paper - half transparency sleeves
w/ handmade cut-out cover
Printing : Inkjet
Binding : Staples
Publisher : Mudai

First edition of 25 | SOLD OUT

‘‘Contours,, is a new serie of drawings which starts from the sticker boards used by my 2 year old daughter.
I used those familiar outlines (animals, vehicles, etc.) as frames to draw inside, from various inspirations: details of clothing, extracts from comic books, cartography and archive photos.

Each composition has been enhanced by computer with screentones and textures which interfere with the reading of the original drawings.
These digital additions hide certain drawn parts and sometimes overflow onto the empty background of the boards.

Printing the book on paper and transparent film makes it possible to account for the different layers of the drawing and to recreate the effect of the stickers peeling off over the pages.

The manipulation of the book generates games of drop shadows, deformation of the drawing and thus blurs the line between imprint, memory and absence.